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Fairtrade for Bassetlaw

  • Nottinghamshire
  • CONTACT 1:
  • Kathy Cowbrough
  • Chair Fairtrade For Bassetlaw
  • 01777 706880

  • Page Last Updated:

    Fairtrade for Bassetlaw

    Club/Group Details

    Bassetlaw is proud to be a Fairtrade District which aims to promote Fairtrade activities in North Nottinghamshire and encourage schools, churches, community groups, businesses, workplaces, cafes and restaurants to offer Fairtrade products at their meetings, in their cafes or to make available for local and national customers.

    The more people and organisations who can support the principles of Fairtrade the more we can support small producers in developing countries to obtain a fair price for their goods. 

    Fairtrade for Bassetlaw achieved Fairtrade district status in October 2009 and have successfully renewed their status every 2 years since then - the latest renewal in July 2017.

    This means in a small but significant way, we can help improve the lives of Fairtrade producers in many different countries by promoting Fairtrade principles to businesses, schools, workplaces, cafés and churches with the aim to get them to sell and further promote Fairtrade products.  While Fairtrade sales are a small proportion of the market,  promoting and acting on Fairtrade principles means those who produce Fairtrade products get a fair price for their produce and as a result they can provide better services for their community including better access to education and healthcare.

    To maintain Fairtrade status we set objectives about activities we will carry out in our communities. But most important is that everyone takes an active part by asking for Fairtrade coffees, teas, sugar, chocolate, flowers, cotton and many other products when doing their shopping, providing for their employees, encouraging activities with young people, or providing refreshments at meetings.

    Additional Information

    For further information and activities check out our web site https://fairtradeforbassetlaw.weebly.com

    Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Fairtrade4Bassetlaw/

    Or for personal attention contact the Chair of Fairtrade for Bassetlaw - Kathy Cowbrough This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   She will be happy to offer suggestions about how you can support us or just aim to enthuse you about the importance of Fairtrade in our world. 

    Suitable For
    Young People | Adults | Seniors

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